A marginal tax for ultra-rich to uplift poor: Build a Sovereign Wealth Fund with Wealth Tax (Part 3 of 3)

In Part 1, we sought a 3% wealth tax on the country’s richest to end Philippine poverty. In Part 2, we showed that a wealth tax is feasible, addressing technical and political obstacles. In this…

A marginal tax for ultra-rich to uplift poor (Part 2 of 3)

In Part 1, we proposed a 3% wealth tax to end Philippine poverty, noting that it would be reasonable given the wealth and profits of the country’s richest. Moreover, a fair wealth tax schedule can…

A marginal tax for ultra-rich to uplift poor (Part 1 of 3)

How much would it take to end grinding poverty in the Philippines? And where can funding come from? This three-part series proposes a marginal tax rate for the few ultra-rich to lift out of poverty…

Minimal fee from riders, govt compensating drivers, operators: a more viable service contracting model for public transport

Designed properly and regulated using proper data on the operations and expenses of all public utility vehicles (PUVs) plying in a particular route, government service contracting can precisely…